Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My First Blogging Experience

My first experience with Blogspot.com was not memorable because of the nifty features or the amazing blogs that spill forth from its bowels.

No, my first experience will always be a reminder of something that will haunt me forever.The handicapped sign next to the post verification box.

When I first laid eyes on it my brain went into shock and froze. Since I run on Windows, my peers had to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete in order to restart me. Ten minutes later I could still not believe it. Why was this button where it was? It made no sense. Did Blogspot have a special code for the handicapped that would allow them access to places within the site that were so wonderful and glorious that few could handle it?

I expressed my theory to Stevie. My arms flailed and my eyes burst from their sockets in my excitement. She just stared at me and handed my eyes back to me. "It's for if you can't see the word. It'll read it to you."

I dust off my eyes and pop them back into to place. A hair is caught behind the right one and irritates me to no end. "That cannot be right!" I exclaim leaping from my seat and pointing at the button in question, "If you cannot see the words, how could you see the sign?"

I knew I had her stumped then. My logic was flawless. The word 'poopog' was displayed in large green letters against a white background. Only a blind man, or woman, would be unable to read it.Our confusion grew as the second ticked by. Grew until our heads expanded with all the possibilities and then exploded into a rorschach of blood, brain matter, and awesome.

We could never figure it out.

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